让这一年有意义! 适用于今天!
To educate and inspire our corps of cadets so that each cadet will have an opportunity to achieve his maximum potential and gain the educational foundation to succeed in college and life as a productive, 公民的贡献. 我们努力灌输他们对学习的尊重, 培养自律能力, 并鼓励追求卓越的承诺.
通过自律、指导和自信来培养领导者. Cadets receive intensive leadership training within a 纪律d military-style education. 通过结构化的程序, 学员培养基本技能和价值观, preparing them for success in various professional and personal endeavors.
Instilling integrity, responsibility, and ethical values in each of our cadets. 毕业生有很强的道德指南针, prepared to make ethical decisions and poised to excel in their future and positively impact society.
Cultivating adaptability, resilience, and growth mindset leading to future success. 在一个充满支持和挑战的环境中, 学生们被鼓励去挑战自己的极限, 克服障碍, 培养强烈的自立意识. 通过严格的学术课程, 结构化领导力培训, 以及性格塑造活动, 学员们培养了在苛刻的环境中茁壮成长所需的适应力.
Fostering critical thinking, enhancing 研究 skills in an engaging traditional learning environment. 专注于小班授课和个性化关注, 学院提供了一个具有挑战性但支持性的学习环境. 通过严谨的学术和敬业的教师, bck体育官网 empowers students to achieve their full potential and excel academically.
Our college preparatory academic program and military traditions will transform your son into a confident, 全面发展的年轻人. Discover an environment that fosters character development, integrity, respect and self-纪律.
学生们来到CMA时常常感到沮丧. They may be frustrated academically or simply feel like they are constantly being nagged by their parents about school, 朋友, 或者生活选择. 在bck体育APP最新版下载, 我们始终努力建立学员的自尊心, 怎样才能走向成功,重新获得自我价值感! 在CMA,我们教你的儿子要相信,这样他才能有所成就!